Gunpowder Heart, a film about pure revenge, has been selected as a part of the program of SXSW 2020 Film Festival Collection and now is online in Amazon Prime Videos (from 27 April to 6 May).
As we said, Gunpowder Heart (Pólvora en el corazón) is a film about how two young girls feel a desire for revenge: It’s only familiar at the beginning, though, as two girls, already romantically involved, are attacked one night by three men. The assailants flee, scared away, but Maria and Claudia (Vanessa Hernández and Andrea Henry, the latter all pink hair and men’s underwear) can’t just dust themselves off and go back to their lives.
Gunpowder Heart was produced by Inés Nofuentes, and the Spanish and Guatemalan branches of Curuxa Cinema.
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