Short film director Beatriz Sanchís made her debut as a feature film director with a dramatic and psychological comedy tinged with fantasy, Bergmanesque elements, and echoes of magical realism. The story revolves around a former female rock star suffering from agoraphobia who lives with her mother, a woman who communicates with the dead. The film obtained significant critical acclaim, was selected for the Montreal and Malaga film festivals (where it received the Special Jury Prize), and fetched two Goya Award nominations. Leading a world-renowned cast in the movie is Spanish actress Elena Anaya, who alternates between art-house cinema, as in this case, and major Hollywood productions like ‘Wonder Woman’ and ‘The Infiltrator.’ Along with her are Mexican actress Patricia Reyes Spíndola, a regular in Arturo Ripstein’s films, and the Franco-Argentinian actor Nahuel Pérez Biscayart in one of his early major roles.
If you saw Lupe (35) in her bathrobe and slippers, stuck at home making pies, you would never imagine that back in the 80´s she was a pop-rock star. She and her brother Diego made up the band Groenlandia, whose first album was a huge hit. But Lupe has turned her back on that distant past of touring and concerts. She lives wholly dependent on her mother Paquita (65) and has a teenage son, Pancho (14), who hates her.