An intense thriller inspired by real events. In the year 1982, a police officer leaves the slums of Madrid for Denia, an idyllic coastal town in the Mediterranean, hoping that the climate will help his daughter to overcome a serious illness. Once there, he must investigate the strange death of a colleague, and his inquiries lead him to encounter a group of elderly Nazis, wanted for crimes against humanity, who roam freely through Spain with complete impunity. With Tornasol in charge of production, director Óscar Aibar delivers a genre film worthy of the great American classics, technically impeccable and featuring a magnificent period reconstruction that denounces one of the darkest events in recent Spanish history. Starring Ricardo Gómez (famous thanks to the series ‘Cuéntame cómo pasó’), accompanied by the veteran Pere Ponce (‘Alegre ma non troppo’) and Goya Award winners Susi Sánchez and Bruna Cusí, as well as nominee Vicky Luengo, the film participated in the official section of the Malaga Film Festival.
1982. A young police officer hardened in the worst neighbourhoods of Madrid accepts a post in a small village by the sea in the hope of healing his sick daughter and gaining some inner peace. But once there he becomes involved in the investigation of the strange murder of the inspector he replaced. The inquiry will lead him to a group of Nazi elders who live a heavenly and happy retreat on the coast.