A family comedy produced, written, directed, and starring Santiago Segura, which became the highest-grossing film in Spain in 2021. Between a road movie and a buddy movie, the film follows a hypochondriac father (Segura) and a womanizing, chauvinistic grandfather (comedian Leo Harlem) who embark on a crazy road trip to catch up with the overnight train on which they ‘lost’ several children. Meanwhile, the children enjoy occasional freedom by causing all sorts of mischief and making life impossible for a ticket inspector. A film with a very fast pace and nods to classic comedies like ‘Home Alone’ and slapstick, also featuring Paz Vega (‘Lucía y el sexo’), and which had a sequel a year later, ‘A todo tren 2: Sí, les ha pasado otra vez’ (‘Full Speed Ahead 2: Yes, It Happened Again’), which in turn also stormed the box office.
Missing a train is always painful, but it is even worse when your children have been left inside, alone. This is the beginning of a crazy persecution led by a father and a grandfather: two generations who have to deal with their own problems; Felipe, an imaginative and womanizing grandfather who has never changed a diaper and Ricardo, a hypochondriac father overwhelmed by the situation. They will try to catch the night train where they left the children. Catching it in time is their only chance to fix their mistakes.