Thriller. Directed by Patricia Ferreira
The first cinematic venture of Bevilacqua and Chamorro, the two civil guards who lead the most important noir series in contemporary Spanish literature, written by Lorenzo Silva. El alquimista impaciente, the second installment of the saga, won the Nadal Prize, the most prestigious award in Spanish fiction, and focuses on the investigation of a strange crime related to a nuclear power plant. In her second film, director Patricia Ferreira embraces a noir cinema style with a distinctly classic approach.
The nude body of a man appears tied to a bed in a roadside motel. Sergeant Ruben Bevilacqua (Vila) and his colleague, police officer Virginia Chamorro, receive the order to investigate the death,a particularly delicate matter because the murdered man was a engineer at a nuclear plant and the press is printing alarmist speculations. Everything would have been quite normal if the engineer hadn’t died under these circumstances and if he hadn’t arrived at the motel with a very pretty young girl who has since disappeared without a trace. Vila and Chamorro’s work is intense and complicated and while the closeness of their work together reinforces a personal relationship with too many obstacles to overcome, the investigation draws anironic, stark portrait of society.