Known mainly for his comedies, in 2006 director José Luis Cuerda adapted to cinema the homonymous novel by Belgian Didier van Cauwelaert, a romantic drama with a touch of fantasy. The main attraction of this film is its multinational cast, including Ricardo Darín (Argentina), Irène Jacob (Switzerland) and singer and actress Bebe (Spain). The latter two share several steaming scenes.
One morning, Nicolás finds both the woman of his dreams and the son he never had. He is a game inventor. She, Ingrid, is an Italian ornithologist who is in Catalonia studying European wood pigeons. Raul, 8, has an extremely active imagination, and large sparkling eyes full of wonder. After they meet, the three of them come to love each other perfectly until Ingrid suddenly decides its all over. Why? No one understands the reasons she gives: they’ve been so happy up to now, things can only go downhill…