A refreshing summer family comedy crafted to showcase the talents of comedian Leo Harlem, renowned in Spain for his unrestrained verbal wit. This amusing feel-good movie, infused with elements of mischief and a lot of humanity, revolves around a dreamy, deceptive, and indebted father who promises his 9-year-old son an unforgettable vacation if he improves his grades. When the boy fulfills his part of the deal, the father must use all his ingenuity to keep his promise, leading them on a journey that will change their lives and their relationship. The film is directed by the prolific Dani de la Orden, known for his work on numerous episodes of the successful series “Élite”.
Curro is a kitchen robot salesman who dreams with working in the financial world. Despite being burdened by debt, after a couple’s crisis he makes a promise he cannot keep: if his 9-year-old son, Nico, gets straight A’s in school he will take him on an unforgettable summer holiday. The boy fulfils his part of the deal. Father and son set out on a journey that will change their lives.