An animated film for adults adapted from the graphic novel of the same name by Alberto Vázquez, who co-directs the movie with Pedro Rivero. A bold and allegorical story featuring talking animals, set in pre-industrial Galicia (in the northwest of Spain, Vázquez’s homeland), plagued by drugs and a profound sense of sociopolitical disillusionment among the youth. It won the Goya Award for Best Animated Film and was nominated for the European Film Award.
Birdboy and Dinki lost their parents in a terrible environmental disaster that also devastated the island where they lived. In the beginning they comforted one another, but Birdboy has now retired to live alone in the forest, consumed by pain and oblivious to Dinki, who has decided to go on a dangerous journey in search of a better home. Birdboy will have to overcome his inner demons if he is to join Dinki in time to help her in her adventure and save himself.