Drama. Directed by Mariano Barroso
The fourth feature film by director Mariano Barroso, produced by Gerardo Herrero. Starring the Spanish-Argentinian actors Ernesto Alterio and Natalia Verbeke, this is a drama with touches of suspense plays the card of exoticism, reminiscent of Josef von Sternberg’s cinema, to tell the story of a young Spaniard working in Morocco who is about to return to Spain. However, before doing so, he must take care of his boss’s daughter, who is on vacation in that Maghrebi country and disappears as soon as she arrives there.
Mario has been working in Morroco for many years. A very attractive work proposition offers him to return to Spain, but before he has to do Victor, his boss, one last favor. He has to take care of his young, attractive daughter in her vacation in Morocco.