This Colombian thriller, based on real events, recreates the harrowing situation of the civil war that the country (Colombia) was experiencing in the 1980s. The kidnapping of a young woman by the guerrillas serves the purpose for debut filmmaker Klych López to create a movie filled with drama that sheds light on the vulnerability of ordinary citizens, who become collateral victims of a senseless conflict. As noted by a Colombian critic, ‘a story from our history that we cannot forget.
Life seems to proceed at its normal pace in that guest house in Bogota where a number of families with no resources struggle to pay the monthly rent to Lucia, the owner. But one morning of November 1985, Julietta, the young daughter, does not return from her job at the Palace of Justice. After the army attack to repress a guerrilla coup, a number of people have “desaparecido”, not longer accounted for: Julietta is one of them. The desperate search for her by the members of the comunity, and the tensions that the situation creates will lead to uncontrollable violence.