This political-sentimental thriller marks the directorial debut of the director from Madrid Patricia Ferreira, with a screenplay by the duo Inés París and Daniela Féjerman. It tells the story of the relationship between a young psychologist and a patient suffering from a rare syndrome that affects memory. As they grow closer, dark secrets from their past begin to emerge. There is excellent chemistry between the two lead actors; Spanish actress Ana Fernández, who had previously achieved success with «Solas», and veteran Argentinian actor Miguel Ángel Solá. The film received the Goya Award for Best Original Soundtrack.
When Paloma, a young psychiatrist, in love with her job, comes towork in a hospital in northern Spain, she finds a very special patient,Mario, a very seductive man, who has a very strange disease:Korsakof syndrome, an alteration on your memory, which case posesa passionate study for the young doctor.