A period thriller set in Franco’s Spain in the 1950s, it is the story about a group of Argentinians loyal to the deposed President Perón who organize a robbery to recover the jewels of his late wife, Evita. With a great sense of humor, director Eduard Cortés manages to maintain tension throughout the entire movie, relying on ineffable and, for that reason, endearing characters brought to life by Argentinians Guillermo Francella and Daniel Fanego, and Spaniards Óscar Jaenada and Amaia Salamanca.
May 1956. A hold-up alters Spain’s peaceful, everyday life: two heavily armed men wearing military outfits rob a famous jewellery store in Madrid. They steal jewels worth millions, but one of the thieves is injured. Every newspaper carries the story; there hasn’t been a heist like this in over twenty years, it is “worthy of a film”.