An out-of-control comedy that pays tribute to the classics of the genre, from slapstick to vaudeville and burlesque. The film relies on the undeniable comic vision of two of Spain’s most popular actors: José Mota (famous for his New Year’s Eve specials) and Pepe Viyuela (“La gran aventura de Mortadelo y Filemón”). Directed by Ana Murugarren, author of the cult film “La higuera de los bastardos”. The enormous success at the box office led to the creation of a sequel two years later, “El hotel de los líos. García y García 2″.
Two Javier García are confounded one with the other when picked up at the airport and exchange their roles: Javier García, a depressed and unemployed aircraft mechanic, must design a business strategy for the shabby low cost airline Hispavia. And Javier García, a prestigious international airlines advisor, who doesn’t even know how to change a flat tire, must repair an airplane.