An adventure thriller with a wartime backdrop that recreates a very little-known event from World War II: the exploitation of Galicia’s wolfram mines by the Nazis with the consent of the Franco regime. Loosely inspired by real events and characters, Simón Casal’s directorial debut benefits from a remarkable period setting and delves into the magic and mysteries that surround the film’s locations. The cast is led by Goya Award winner Marián Álvarez and Manuela Vellés, the protagonist of Julio Médem’s film ‘Chaotic Ana.'»
Magic meets reality in a story inspired by real events. 1942. Manuela, a single mother, works in the Wolfram mines in rural Galicia. The mines are run by Nazi Germany and the Allies are eager to make sure the strategic metal does not reach German factories. When her sister Candela, helps a Jewish prisoner to cross the border to Portugal, they both will get involved in a game of power that will make them choose between their sense of justice or a riskless life.