Family animated film created using the stop-motion process, co-produced by Spain and Brazil. It is the story about young Malva, a fan of all kinds of electronic devices, who dreams of living great adventures. Her dreams will come true when she has to rescue her grandmother, who has been kidnapped by someone to steal the formulas from her cosmetics factory. Action, suspense, and emotion in a movie that, in its Spanish version, features the voices of the three-time Goya-nominated Verónica Sánchez and Daniel Giménez Cacho, one of Arturo Ripstein’s favorite actors.
Little Malva, a fan of any technological device, will live through an adventure with a rescue mission. After the mysterious kidnapping of her grandmother, with whom she lives and who devotes herself to helping people with her knowledge on medicinal plants, she sets off for a journey through unknown and dangerous places.