The antepenultimate film by director Agustí Villaronga was an ambitious collaboration between Spain and the United Kingdom. Filmed in English, it marked the return to activity after eight years of multi-award-winning and Oscar-winning producer Andrés Vicente Gómez. A historical and epic coming-of-age story that focuses on the adolescence of one of the most emblematic figures of 20th-century world history: the future King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. At the age of 13, just after the conclusion of World War I, he faced his first diplomatic mission: traveling to England to negotiate with Lord Curzon and Churchill, and he even established a friendship with the royal family itself.
At the age of 13, Faisal, the son of the first King of Arabia, is sent to England on a diplomatic mission. In the tense atmosphere following World War One, he must face giants like Churchill and Lawrence of Arabia. The journey will decide the future of his country and change it forever.