A Spanish-Argentinian thriller from Haddock Films that narrates the endeavors of a female crime novelist who lives secluded from the world but returns to the forefront when a newspaper commissions her to investigate the murder of a powerful businessman. Based on Claudia Piñeiro’s novel and done in a classic style, director Miguel Cohan, a specialist in noir cinema, combines journalistic investigation with the exposure of the dark conspiracies plotted by the power elites in this film. As to the cast, a fascinating duel ensues between actors Mercedes Morán and Daniel Fanego, supported by Goya Award winners José Coronado and Alberto Amman.
A powerful industrialist is found with his throat cut in his luxury mansion. The famous novelist Betibú agrees to move into the neighbourhood so she can write the chronicles of the case, but she soon discovers that this killing is just one in a series of murders of powerful men who share a dark past.