This social drama movie, selected for the Seattle and Valladolid film festivals and produced by Tornasol, is a strong condemnation of corruption and criminal organizations surrounding child adoption in Eastern Europe, based on true events. In it, Argentinian director Daniela Féjerman (co-screenwriter along with her compatriot Alejo Flah) addresses firmly and profoundly universal ethical issues that deserve deep reflection, while avoiding sentimentalism. The film was entirely shot in Lithuania during the heart of winter, which contributes to a general feeling of desolation. The lead actors, Nora Navas, a two-time Goya Award winner, and Francesc Garrido, deliver magnificent performances.
A Spanish couple travel to a country in Eastern Europe to adopt a child. However, things do not work out as they had expected. Finding themselves faced with growing hostility, their own latent conflicts come to the fore. The dream they came with, threatens to turn into a nightmare…