Penultimate film by director José Luis Cuerda, the creator of some of the great cult classics of Spanish cinema, such as «The Animated Forest» and «Amanece, que no es poco.» Based on a screenplay written by author Manuel Rivas, who adapted his own novel (and was nominated for a Goya Award for Best Adapted Screenplay), Cuerda presents a sort of reimagining off the story about Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid, set in the world of drug trafficking in late 20th-century Galicia. In this movie, two childhood friends reunite after 20 years, each on opposite sides of the law. An interesting showdown between two young and handsome actors; Quim Gutiérrez and Miguel Ángel Silvestre, in a film selected at the Valladolid Seminci.»
Fins and Brinco were best friends when teenagers. Twenty years later, they meet again: one is a police officer and the other, a drug dealer.