“The Distinguished Citizen” participates in Karlovy Vary’s Variety Critics Choice, this being the last of many distinctions of this feature co-directed by Gastón Duprat and Mariano Cohn. Latido Films has already sold the film to most territories, which has allowed it to become the biggest international breakout for this filmmakers.
Now Latido is prepared to represent worldwide sales rights to Mexican director José Ramón Chávez Delgado feature debut “Ayúdame a pasar la noche” (Help Me Make It Through the Night) a dramatic comedy that centers on a family at breaking point where an accident might make everybody to reconsider their decisions.
“‘Help Me Make it Through the Night’s’ fidelity to a long tradition of dark humor makes it one of the few films where we see, filtered through humor, the reality of Mexico’s urban middle class,” said Antonio Saura, executive director of Latido Films.
The film is a Mexican co-production by the public film school Centro de Capacitación Cinematográfica (CCC), which has helped launch the careers of Carlos Carrera, Jorge Michel Grau, Emilio Portes and David Pablos, and Instituto Mexicano de Cine (IMCINE) through its Foprocine fund.
“Mexico has one of the most powerful cinematographies and is an incredible cradle for new talent,” said Saura.
This film adds up to a list of many Mexican films acquired by Latido that relies on the growing industry in this country where there are many stories to tell.
Source: Variety