Third screenplay crafted by director Felipe Vega and scriptwriter Manuel Hidalgo, following ‘Grandes ocasiones’ and ‘Nubes de verano,’ produced in this case by Tornasol films. A sentimental melodrama revolving around a couple in crisis and the consequences of this conflict for their daughter, approached from a very feminine perspective. Outstanding performances by the director’s regular actors, like Adolfo Fernández and Emma Vilasarau, along with promising actress Barbara Lennie at the time, who won a Goya Award nine years later for “Magical girl”.
Daniel, music teacher and pianist, and Ana, gallery owner, go through a crisis after more than 20 years together. Daniel is living by himself and wants the divorce. Ana refuses to accept the reality. Music seems to be the only activity which concentrates and relax Daniel, a man who feels uncomfortable with himself and the rest of people, and has a not so perfect relationship with Clara, a married woman who arouses curiosity in Monica. This uneasiness affects Monica, their daughter, who is especially sensitive. After finishing studies with her boyfriend, David, they can’t find a job as journalists. One night, Monica lives an embarrassing and incomprehensible incident in which she gets involved next to Daniel, Ana and Clara.