Drama. Directed by David Pérez Sañudo
Selected for the New Directors competition at the San Sebastian International Film Festival the adaptation of Txani Rodríguez’s best-seller, which has been translated into more than ten languages. A deeply human story that portrays the problems of contemporary society such as loneliness, lack of solidarity or job insecurity, a mixture of harsh reality and the fantasy of a different life that never quite arrives. The protagonist, Miren Gaztañaga, one of the performers from Netflix’s mega-hit THE PLATFORM, delivers the performance of her life, reminding us of protagonists from some of Chantal Akerman’s great films. Full of visual strength in every shot, the director, David Pérez Sañudo, was acclaimed by the critics for his previous film ANE IS MISSING, for which he won the Goya for Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Lead Actress, and Best New Actress, he also received a nomination for Best New Director.
Irune, a woman who keeps to herself, lacks self-confidence and has hypochondriac tendencies, works in a paper mill on the edge of an industrial town. Her life is limited to a few acquaintances: her work colleagues, a neighbor with whom she shares something of a friendship and a railway company employee she consults on the times of trains she never takes. Her fragile balance will fall to pieces when she feels a lump in her breast, coinciding with a work conflict in which she is personally involved. Suddenly her life takes an unexpected turn, offering her the chance, perhaps without knowing it, she had always been waiting for.