Drama. Directed by Elena Trapé
“It manages to convey to the viewer the feeling that something inside is about to explode.”
“Laia Costa’s performance is wonderful.”
“Two hours of full enjoyment.”
Starring Laia Costa (last Goya Award Winner for LULLABY and teaming next with Isabel Coixet), Elena Trape’s third film dissects the vital changes of women in their 40s that are brave enough to overcome melancholy and have a fresh start. When recently separated Irene is for the first time away from her 4-year-old daughter (now spending some days with the father), she decides to go to Antist, a beautiful town in the landscapes of the Pyrenees that her parents saved along with other families from abandon in the 80s. Slowly but surely, she will recover her confidence until she can no longer escape confronting her emotions. With a reflection of Mia Hansen Love’s sensibility, the characters relations will be told through very direct dialogues but also through looks and silences that can speak volumes.
Irene is a woman in her thirties with a four-year-old daughter who has just separated from her husband and cannot find her place in the world. Determined to get by at whatever cost, she flees to a remote village in the mountains to try to rebuild her life, with the help of the lush vegetation, omnipresent nature and legends around her.