Film director Dani de la Orden (known for the series “Élite”) helms the adaptation of a successful homonymous play by Marta Buchaca. This choral tragicomedy presents a bittersweet portrait of the millennial generation. After the death of his brother in a traffic accident, a young man gathers his closest relatives to deliver personal letters left behind by the deceased for them. This act will bring to light the darkest and most unconfessed secrets of each individual. The stellar cast includes Goya Award winners Quim Gutiérrez and Belén Cuesta, as well as nominees Marta Nieto, Álex García, and Adrián Lastra. The movie was selected at the Málaga Film Festival, where Gutiérrez received the award for Best Supporting Actor.
After his brother Litus dies, Toni gathers together his close friends, who haven’t seen each other for a long time. Toni reveals some unexpected news: Litus left a farewell letter for each of them. What should have been an occasion to talk about their dead friend becomes the opportunity to find out deep secrets and feelings that had remained hidden for many years.