The suggestive directorial debut of Nicolás Pacheco, selected in Valladolid and Edinburgh, is an outright denunciation of the sadly prevalent issue of machismo. Shot with great energy, filled with metaphorical images, and unmistakable Lorquian reminiscences, it explores various genres, ranging from family tragedy to thriller and road movies. It doesn’t lack touches of naturalistic humor that lighten the depth of the profoundly dramatic theme it addresses.
Adela and her mother, Concha, live in a shantytown in the outskirts of the city. One day, fed up of the misery imposed by her husband, Concha decides to risk everything, stealing a large sum of money to run away with Adela. But they are discovered and, during the pursuit, Concha runs her husband over. Their escape will become an adventure in which they will fight to escape the cages that have always been their lives.